A Reason to Share: OKDOTHIS 2.0

June 26, 2014

When Kanye West offers to redesign your app…you’d better know something’s broke. Despite having the most liked photo on the platform, Mr. West recognizes Instagram’s shortcomings and staleness.

Over the last few months, the team at Aloompa has been working on an update to our take on social photography: OKDOTHIS. This past week we’ve released the 2.0 version of our app with many new features and improvements including: support for non-square photos, app-wide design refinements, photo editing, and a new website where you can browse and interact with photos.

OKDOTHIS counters the staleness of other photo sharing networks by giving you reasons to share via DOs. DOs are little challenges or prompts for you to create something. What you create can even go beyond a photo, but the photo is how you share that creation. DOs give you a reason to share, and even validate that act of creation or sharing. A photo of your lunch, your airplane window shot, or even that last selfie you took, belong so much more on OKDOTHIS when they are side-by-side with similar creations. Even if you don’t think your photo is the greatest, it becomes part of a larger story which is more interesting as a whole.

OKDOTHIS has given me a reason to share, thousands of reason (there are lots of DOs). Since the app has launched, I’ve taken dozens of photos I never would have taken without seeing the DO first. I’d love to see more of my friends using the app, and I encourage you to try the app today. If you join just follow me and I’ll follow you back. Here’s my web profile:


These are some of my favorite photos that DOs have inspired me to create and share:

DO: “Fill the frame with one circle. Any circle.”Jeremy Cowart

DO: “Adventure Date”Branden Harvey

DO: “Take a selfie with a cow”Jonathan Smith

DO: “Cat-ography”Samantha Davis

DO: “Create a mystery. Make them guess.”Me!
This one was fun to make, and so far 541 other people have done it too!